Product Name: Zhi Bao San Bian Wan – For erectile dysfunction (Kidney Yang Deficiency), Nourishes blood, nourishes essence, strengthens brain, nourishes kidney and weak body
Ingredients: Deer Strain, Seal strain, Dog strain, Sea Horse, Cartilaginous, Ginseng, Actinolite, Raspberry, Fructus Psoraleae, Polygala Tenuifolia, Prepared Herba Epimedii, Semen Cuscutae and so on, including more than 20 kinds of rare herbs.
Functions: It is used for frail , neurasthenia, overstrain nerves, sore and weak loins and knees, fear, amnesia, anemia, dizziness, insomnia, spontaneous sweating, intolerance of cold, impotence, pale face etc.
strengthen stamina , rebalance yin/yang energy.
Spec.: 0.2g*8pills*5tubes*6 small boxes/one box.
Usage and Dosage: Take 8 small pills per time, one time daily. Take it before breakfast or going to bed with warm water. 4 weeks for one period of treatment.
Side effects or Adverse Reaction: Not yet proven, nor found
Taboo: Pregnant women taboo.(not allowed)
No smoking, no wine and spicy, cold, greasy food or turnip during taking this product . Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, liver disease, kidney disease and other severe chronic diseases shall take medicine under guidance of physician.
If detect hypersensitivity to this product should stop using. Do not use this product if expired. Keep out of reach of children. If you are using other drugs, please consult your doctor before using this product.
Zhi Bao San Bian Wan is strongly recommended as family normal medicine for Impotence due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
We highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner or physician before taking any products or if you have any questions regarding your health.
Keeping time: 36 months.
Distributor: Medical Research Kundawell Institute and Chinese Image Medicine Association of Canada
Cost :$180$ for a month supply, not available for purchase on line due to limited quantities .
The only one factory in the world exist with limited quantities of the production. Many scientist tried to replicate this riched lesser or no effects.
Overwhelming demand for golden pills with no side effects are well known. Prolong life ,rebalance energy ,increase vitality, increase male potency ,stabilise female reproductive and kidney systems and much more positive effects on human body and energy. You can fill a difference within a day.
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Interview with Grand master Xu Mingtang
La deuxième partie de l'interview où la...