Regular classes
Regular classes for ZY Qi Gong is currently available at 833 Richmond rd Ottawa.
Please register by emailing
or calling 613-800-8000
no more then 10 students can attend.
Cost: 220 CAD for 11 classes
Any methods of payment available
Please note for fall registration required before September 15
Every Wednsday
starting 04-01-2023 | 6:30PM – 8:30PM |
833 Richmod rd Ottawa
The first aim of Level 1 practice is to relax the physical body.
Relaxing the physical body means releasing the main patterns of muscular tension that restrict or block energy flow. When energy flows more freely, relaxation, stress relief take place
As this process continues, you achieve the second aim: you cultivate your energy body by increasing the overall amount and intensity of energy as well as improving its ability to circulate and gather it in the lower energy center — the lower dantian.
In turn, greater QiGong Qi(chi) will push through greater blockages and regenerate areas of stagnation.
When you have reached the relaxed state, you will find your body feeling more spacious, easy and your energy flowing relatively freely. Your mind may remain active, but it has lost its ability to disturb the body, and increase your energy level.
Certification LEVEL 1 :: Curriculum
(A) Opening the channels on fingers and toes.
(B) Four preparation exercises with explanation and correction of mistakes .
(C) Three main exercises: Big Tree, Refining Qi, Microcosmic Orbit.
(D) Self-healing methods.
What are we going to do?
Classes are tailored to the students needs, abilities and interests in order to:
Absorb, feel, generate and flow qi (energy).
Balance and strengthen the qi system. Improve sensitivity for spiritual development and healing to achieve a deep calm state.
Teach your body simple, reliable and repeatable techniques for relaxation.
Learn the Level 1 ZY Qigong preparatory exercises.
Learn specific techniques energy gathering (Big Tree), clarification (Refining
Qi), and circulation (Microcosmic Orbit).
Experience deep relaxation. This is not a hazy numbing relaxation, you will
find an alert and aware calm

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